

	[2] *
	[1] E
	[2] E[foo]
	[2] E[foo="bar"] exactly
	[2] E[foo~="bar"] whitespace-separated value
	[3] E[foo^="bar"] begins
	[3] E[foo$="bar"] ends
	[3] E[foo*="bar"] contains
	[3] E[foo|="en"]  hypen-separated beginning with
	[3] E:root
	[3] E:nth-child(n)
	[3] E:nth-last-child(n)
	[3] E:nth-of-type(n)
	[3] E:nth-last-of-type(n)
	[2] E:first-child
	[3] E:last-child
	[3] E:first-of-type
	[3] E:last-of-type
	[3] E:only-child
	[3] E:only-of-type
	[1] E:active
	[3] E:empty
	[3] E:focus
	[1] E:hover
	[1] E:link
	[1] E:visited
	[3] E:target
	[2] E:lang(fr)
	[3] E:enabled
	[3] E:disabled
	[3] E:checked
	[1] E::first-line
	[1] E::first-letter
	[2] E::before
	[2] E::after
	[1] E.warning
	[1] E#myId
	[3] E:not(s)
	[1] E F
	[2] E > F
	[2] E + F
	[3] E ~ F

Instructions @:
	ATkeyframes @keyframes
	ATfont-face @font-face
	ATmedia @media
	ATimport @import

	azimuth [2.1-aural]
	animation [animations3]
	animation-delay [animations3]
	animation-direction [animations3]
	animation-duration [animations3]
	animation-fillmode [animations3]
	animation-iteration-count [animations3]
	animation-play-state [animations3]
	animation-name [animations3]
	animation-timing-function [animations3]
	backface-visiblility [transform3]
	background [1, 2.1, background3]
	background-attachment [1, 2.1, background3]
	background-clip [background3]
	background-color [1, 2.1, background3]
	background-image [1, 2.1, background3]
	background-origin [background3]
	background-position [1, 2.1, background3]
	background-repeat [1, 2.1, background3]
	background-size [background3]
	border [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-bottom [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-bottom-color [2.1, background3]
	border-bottom-left-radius [background3]
	border-bottom-right-radius [background3]
	border-bottom-style [2.1, background3]
	border-bottom-width [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-collapse [2.1]
	border-color [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-image [background3]
	border-image-outset [background3]
	border-image-repeat [background3]
	border-image-slice [background3]
	border-image-source [background3]
	border-image-width [background3]
	border-left [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-left-color [2.1, background3]
	border-left-style [2.1, background3]
	border-left-width [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-radius [background3]
	border-right [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-right-color [2.1, background3]
	border-right-style [2.1, background3]
	border-right-width [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-spacing [2.1]
	border-style [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-top [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-top-color [2.1, background3]
	border-top-left-radius [background3]
	border-top-right-radius [background3]
	border-top-style [2.1, background3]
	border-top-width [1, 2.1, background3]
	border-width [1, 2.1, background3]
	bottom [2.1, positioning3]
	box-shadow [background3]
	break-after [multicol3]
	break-before [multicol3]
	break-inside [multicol3]
	caption-side [2.1]
	clear [1, 2.1, box3]
	clip [2.1]
	color [1, 2.1, color3]
	column-count [multicol3]
	column-fill [multicol3]
	column-gap [multicol3]
	column-rule-color [multicol3]
	column-rule [multicol3]
	column-rule-style [multicol3]
	column-rule-width [multicol3]
	columns [multicol3]
	column-span [multicol3]
	column-width [multicol3]
	content [2.1, content3]
	counter-increment [2.1, content3]
	counter-reset [2.1, content3]
	crop [content3]
	cue-after [2.1-aural]
	cue-before [2.1-aural]
	cue [2.1-aural]
	cursor [2.1]
	direction [2.1]
	display [1, 2.1, box3, content3]
	elevation [2.1-aural]
	empty-cells [2.1]
	float [1, 2.1, box3]
	font [1, 2.1]
	font-family [1, 2.1]
	font-size [1, 2.1]
	font-style [1, 2.1]
	font-variant [1, 2.1]
	font-weight [1, 2.1]
	height [1, 2.1, box3]
	left [2.1, positioning3]
	letter-spacing [1, 2.1]
	line-height [1, 2.1]
	list-style [1, 2.1]
	list-style-image [1, 2.1]
	list-style-position [1, 2.1]
	list-style-type [1, 2.1]
	margin [1, 2.1, box3]
	margin-bottom [1, 2.1, box3]
	margin-left [1, 2.1, box3]
	margin-right [1, 2.1, box3]
	margin-top [1, 2.1, box3]
	marquee-direction [box3]
	marquee-loop [box3]
	marquee-speed [box3]
	marquee-style [box3]
	max-height [2.1, box3]
	max-width [2.1, box3]
	min-height [2.1, box3]
	min-width [2.1, box3]
	move-top [content3]
	offset-before [positioning3]
	offset-end [positioning3]
	offset-after [positioning3]
	offset-start [positioning3]
	opacity [color3]
	orphans [2.1]
	outline [2.1]
	outline-color [2.1]
	outline-style [2.1]
	outline-width [2.1]
	overflow [2.1, box3]
	overflow-style [box3]
	overflow-x [box3]
	overflow-y [box3]
	padding [1, 2.1, box3]
	padding-bottom [1, 2.1, box3]
	padding-left [1, 2.1, box3]
	padding-right [1, 2.1, box3]
	padding-top [1, 2.1, box3]
	page-break-after [2.1]
	page-break-before [2.1]
	page-break-inside [2.1]
	page-policy [content3]
	pause-after [2.1-aural]
	pause-before [2.1-aural]
	pause [2.1-aural]
	perspective [transform3]
	perspective-origin [transform3]
	pitch [2.1-aural]
	pitch-range [2.1-aural]
	play-during [2.1-aural]
	position [2.1, positioning3]
	quotes [2.1, content3]
	richness [2.1-aural]
	right [2.1, positioning3]
	rotation [box3]
	rotation-point [top3]
	speak-header [2.1-aural]
	speak-numeral [2.1-aural]
	speak-punctuation [2.1-aural]
	speak [2.1-aural]
	speech-rate [2.1-aural]
	stress [2.1-aural]
	table-layout [2.1]
	text-align [1, 2.1]
	text-decoration [1, 2.1]
	text-indent [1, 2.1]
	text-transform [1, 2.1]
	top [2.1, positioning3]
	transform [transform3]
	transform-origin [transform3]
	transform-style [transform3]
	unicode-bidi [2.1]
	vertical-align [1, 2.1]
	visibility [2.1, box3]
	voice-family [2.1-aural]
	volume [2.1-aural]
	white-space [1, 2.1]
	widows [2.1]
	width [1, 2.1, box3]
	word-spacing [1, 2.1]
	z-index [2.1, positioning3]





Pas encore dans une spécifications:

	CSS Animations W3C Working Draft 2013-02-19
	CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 W3C Candidate Recommendation 2014-09-09
	CSS basic box model W3C Working Draft 2007-10-09
	CSS Color Module Level 3 - W3C Recommendation 2011-06-07
	CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module W3C Working Draft 2003-05-14
	Media Queries - W3C Recommendation 2012-06-19
	CSS Multi-column Layout Module - W3C Candidate Recommendation 2011-04-12
	CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 - W3C Working Draft 2015-02-03
	Selectors Level 3 - W3C Recommendation 2011-09-29
	CSS Transforms Module Level 1 W3C Working Draft 2013-01-26
	Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 Revision 1 - W3C Recommendation 2011-06-07
	Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 - W3C Recommendation 1998-05-12
	Cascading Style Sheets, Level 1 - W3C Recommendation 1996-12-17